Gynecological Conditions Can be Successfully Treated with different Alternative Techniques
Homeopathy for the treatment of gynecological conditions. Many gynecological conditions can be treated with different techniques of holistic medicine. Homeopathy is an unconventional medical philosophy that was established by German medical doctor and scientist – Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann. This philosophy is established on the postulate that ‘likes cures likes’. Minor quantity and watered down remedies of original element that causes symptoms in healthy persons can cure the illnesses of similar symptoms. Homeopathic medicines mostly are resulting from fauna, microelements or floral materials, and underwent a special homeopathic preparation method identified as “potentization”. During this preparation, one portion of the original substance is watered down with 99 portions of distilled water. The dilution process may be performed from 1 to 10 million times and according to homeopathic theory, “the more substance is diluted the remedy gets more strength”. You can read more about homeopathy here.
Traditionally, physicians have practiced homeopathy to heal a wide variety of medical conditions. The list of the illnesses that can be treated with homeopathy includes almost all aspects of medicine and surgery. Homeopathy is not recognized as an appropriate method for oncological, serious heart and foremost contagious diseases. Homeopathic treatment also not recommended when emergency surgical intervention is required.
Since the time homeopathy was initially developed it spread widely around the world and today it is very popular in most European countries (Italy, France, England, Germany, and Greece) as well as in India, Canada, Brazil, Russia, and Ukraine.
Historically homeopathy widely used for a treatment of different gynecological conditions. The list of those conditions is really long. Homeopathic medicine is a 100% natural and organic, absolutely safe and highly effective healing for most types of gynecological conditions.
Acupuncture for treatment of Gynecological Conditions
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Acupuncture as one of the most significant methods of TCM for centuries was successfully used for healing of different gynecological conditions. Acupuncture well-known as a method of healing that is based on the insertion of special metal needles into specific points to accomplish a healing result. This treatment is centered on the East-Asian philosophy of 12 meridians (energy conduits). According to this theory, there are 2 types of the energy inside the body (Ying and Young) that flows through the vessels that called meridians or channels. Each meridian connected to a specific organ and, in general, responsible for the organ to get enough energy for normal functioning.Whenever the level of energy in any meridian goes below or above normal the disease starts. All acupuncture points are located and organized on the meridians. By inserting needles in acupoints, TCM practitioner can move energy from one meridian to another or even convert one type of energy to another. The goal of the treatment is to balance the energy level in all 12 meridians and when it happens the disease gets cured.
During the period of more than 4000 years acupuncture used for healing of different gynecological conditions with the same effectiveness as for all other medical disorders.
Just some of gynecological conditions that can be treated with alternative medicine techniques are listed below: Aсuрunсturе during pregnancy is the most natural and harmless method of healing. Bеіng рrеgnаnt іѕ dеfіnіtеlу a bе a tіmе оf ѕоrеnеѕѕ. Some еxресtіng fеmаlеѕ endure fаtіguе, nаuѕеа, backache along wіth other problems whісh are rеgаrdеd as a “normal” соmроnеnt оf being pregnant.thrilling аnd fаntаѕtіс tіmе. On thе other hаnd, wіth аll thе bоdіlу аnd hormonal modifications thаt tаkе рlасе, іt mау аlѕо Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a frustrating medical disorder. This commentary will deliver complete information of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and the ways to inverse the symptoms and put the disease in a remission state. These days the Female Sexual Dysfunction becomes more and more common medical disorder. Sexuality is a composite of action and manners. It is organized not only by different structures of our organisms (endocrine, mental, circulation). Female Sexual Dysfunction Female Sexual Dysfunction also associated with individual’s understanding of the process, social, traditional beliefs, and modifications related to age.
Acupuncture During Pregnancy and labor
Women’s sexual disorders
Menstrual Disorders
Pregnancy-related issues
Pimples flare-ups prior to menstruation |
Menopause problems
Uterine fibroids Ovarian cysts Breastfeeding consequences
Repeated vaginal and anogenital infections:
Homeopath and Acupuncturist Dr. Tsan started his medical career as OB-GYN physician and for a long time worked in a fertility clinic. This background made him very successful in the holistic treatment of different gynecological conditions. Because of his experience in both homeopathy and acupuncture he usually combines these two methods to get the best possible result.
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