Migraine Treatment Philadelphia

Today, a major issue all over the world is Migraine Headache. Most of the people are suffering various difficulties around them due to this problem. They cannot work correctly or even cannot sleep. Let us discuss what Migraine Headache Philadelphia is and its treatment.


If you leave in the City of Brotherly Love and suffer from Migraine or Headaches look for the most effective treatment approach. In this blog we will discuss different methods and techniques including acupuncture, homeopathy, and even hypnosis that may help you to fight this severe medical condition. Enter words Migraine Treatment Philadelphia into your search engine and see what’s coming up.

Some particular changes in the brain lead to migraine headache. It results in severe pain in the head accompanied by sensitivity to smells, sound, and light. Some of its symptoms involve sensitivity to sound or light, eye pain, vomiting, nausea, and severe pain on one side of the head.


STATUS MIGRAINOSUS: A non-stop migraine attack that exists for more than 72 hours.

CHRONIC MIGRAINE: the migraine headache that exists for more than half of the days in a month.

RETINAL MIGRAINE: the retinal migraine leads to momentary vision loss in one eye which can exist from some minutes to several months.

HEMIPLEGIC MIGRAINE: the hemiplegic migraine includes some signs that are similar to a stroke, for instance feeling pin or needles, loss of sensation, or weakness on one side of the body.

ACEPHALIC OR SILENT MIGRAINE: it is a migraine that does not include head pain but some other aspects of migraine and aura.

CLASSIC MIGRAINE: It is present with the aura but before the headache, and it is more severe than the other migraines.

COMMON MIGRAINE: This migraine is also called the absence migraine, and it has no aura. Almost 80 percent of migraines are typical.


There are numerous researches done on the migraine, but they did not find out the exact reasons. Some alterations in the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain play a role. For diagnosing headaches, the presence of the clinical signs and symptoms help.


the triggering factors that are responsible for migraine include certain foods, strong stimuli such as loud noises, stress, and hormonal changes.


After analyzing some symptoms and triggering factors of migraine, let us discuss Migraine treatment Philadelphia.

The migraine treatments are with prescription drugs or over-the-counter OTC.


The prescription medicines are used for relieving the migraine pain. They include a class of drugs triptans, for instance, rizatriptan, sumatriptan, zolmitriptan, eletriptan, almotriptan, naratriptan, and gravoatriptan.

A new class of drug Erenumab renowned as a calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor antagonist is used for the treatment of migraine and is approved in 2018. It is used in the form of injection once in a month to relieve the pain.


Several changes in the lifestyle such as getting exercise and a healthy diet may assist in reducing the frequency of the attacks. You should limit the food that triggers the migraine. Some practice such as yoga is productive in the management of severe pain by promoting muscle relaxation.

Numerous individuals having migraines can manage their condition by combining lifestyle changes with medications. Some of the people require prescription medicines for reducing the frequency of headaches.

Alternative Medicine:

With very low percentage of effectiveness of the western medicine in migraine treatment, acupuncture and homeopathic medicine still on the front line and chosen by many patients. When people google for Migraine Headache Philadelphia or similar keywords Philadelphia Holistic Clinic comes up as #1 in the area.