In the practice of holistic and alternative medicine, iridology is crucially important as a way to diagnose the patient. Iridology is a diagnostic technique which was developed based on the theory that the conditions of different parts of the body are expressed in the colored part of the eye called the iris. This method of diagnosis has been proven very useful in conjunction with alternative methods of treatment such as acupuncture, hypnotherapy, homeopathy, herbal medicine and
that the conditions of different parts of the body are expressed in the colored part of the eye called the iris. This method of diagnosis has been proven very useful in conjunction with alternative methods of treatment such as acupuncture, hypnotherapy, homeopathy, herbal medicine and much more. As a method of alternative diagnosis Iridology helps practitioners gets a clear image of the pathological diseases afflicting the patient. The use of iridology is beginning to spread amongst practitioners of holistic medicine in Philadelphia. Iridology Philadelphia is becoming a key diagnostic technique.
Origins of iridology Philadelphia
Although little controlled scientific research has been done to determine the effectiveness of iridology as an effective diagnostic tool, iridology has withstood the test of time and was crucial in diagnosing and treating thousands of people. Iridology was first introduced in 1893, by a well-respected Hungarian physician and medical doctor named Ignatz Peczely. Peczely came across the process of iridology by chance while he was still in his late teens. When Ignatz Peczely was growing up in his family house located not far from the tree line, he came across an owl that had an injured leg. He took the owl home to examine it. As it turned out the owl had a fracture in its leg. When he took a closer look at the bird, Ignatz Peczely noticed a dark line in the owl’s iris on the same side as the injured leg. At first, Peczely dismissed the fact and decided to nurse the owl back to health. Then when the owl’s leg was healed Peczely noticed that the line had disappeared. Having let the owl go Peczely came up with a hypothesis which said: That the health of the bodily organs is reflected in the iris of the eye and as a result, a pathology or disease that is developed in the human body can be diagnosed through careful observation of the iris. This incident was the first step in the development of iridology. Peczely, however, did not follow through with his discovery. Instead of conducting rigorous examinations and tests to prove the connection between the eye and the rest of the bodily organs, which is now established by multiple autopsy reports, exists. Peczely simply charted what he called an iris diagnosis chart, the purpose of which was to help him identify where pathology is located. Peczely died without establishing iridology as a standardized method of diagnosis, fortunately, the practice of iridology continued to grow with the help of other practitioners.
Soon after Peczely introduced the practice or iridology, hi work and research were picked up by a German physician named Emanuel Felke. Felke took on the practice or iridology in the early 1900s and helped many patients throughout his career. Although Peczely did not follow through on his research and his studies physicians like Felke helped the fields of iridology progress and grow. For the next half of the century, iridology would spread in Europe even though some people heavily criticized the practice. The Practice of Iridology din not become popular in the United States until the 1950’s when a chiropractor and herbologist Branden Jansen began to use iridology as one of his main diagnosis techniques. Branden Jansen originally used iridology solely to aid his chiropractor treatments. He used the iris diagnosis method in order to help him identify which parts of the human body needed the most attention during his chiropractor sessions. After experiencing success in his practice, Jensen began to give classes to spread the use of the practice. Jensen’s methods differed somewhat from those used by Peczely and Felke but they were just as effective. Although Jensen was unable to establish iridology as an official medical method of evaluation, his works helped spread the use of Iridology throughout the country. Today many practitioners of alternative medicine such as holistic practitioners, acupuncturists, Reiki healers, and some chiropractors and naturopaths use iridology as a tool to help them diagnose their patients.
Iridology Philadelphia at Viva Healthy Life
Iridology is quickly growing as a method of diagnosis amongst many practitioners. Very often, iridology Philadelphia can help diagnose the area of the body affected even though the body does not experience pain in that area. Based on the diagnosis a practitioner of holistic medicine can choose to prescribe an herbal or homeopathic treatment for the condition. Here at Viva Healthy Life the center for holistic medicine in Philadelphia we offer multiple methods with which to treat the pathology determined by the Iridology assessment. We are one of the few offices to use iridology Philadelphia. However, we have had a lot of success diagnosing and diseases which were in their developmental stages. iridology Philadelphia does not always detect existing conditions or the actual source of the disease but it can detect the area that is affected. Very often iridology Philadelphia can identify a pathological development before in can develop into an actual disease. The slight discolorations in the iris almost always detect a deficiency in the corresponding area of the body. iridology Philadelphia in conjunction with acupuncture can help restore bodily functions and prevent many diseases from occurring. As you may know, acupuncture relies on different techniques to treat different forms of afflictions.
An Effective Method of Iridology Treatment
A very popular and effective method of treatment uses a concept called meridians which are directly linked to the bodily organs. During this treatment, the acupuncturist transfers energy from organs which are overly active to those who may need more energy to restore balance. By using iridology Philadelphia with acupuncture, the acupuncturist can determine exactly which organs need to be supplemented. This combination of iridology Philadelphia and acupuncture is one of the few ways that we use iridology to better assist our patients. However, it is possible that the discoloration of the eye is an inherited trait and can change the results of the assessment. These, however, are few and far between. iridology Philadelphia is becoming a very popular form of diagnosis. It has helped us diagnose dozens of patients and prevent diseases that would otherwise develop serious symptoms. Our practice of iridology Philadelphia is amongst the best in the region and we are proud to call ourselves one of the best offices of alternative medicine in Philadelphia.