Natural treatment for interstitial cystitis
Natural treatment for interstitial cystitis is effective, safe and highly demanded. The most common natural remedies for interstitial cystitis are homeopathy, acupuncture, medicinal herbs, and Reiki.
What is Interstitial Cystitis?
Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a disease that causes repetitive distress or aches in the bladder and the nearby pelvic organs. The signs of this medical condition may be different from one patient to another. Even two different attacks of this illness in the same individual may have different symptoms. In some cases, patients may complain of mild burning sensation or pressure or tenderness in the lower abdominal area. However, when interstitial cystitis develops more aggressive an intense, severe, extreme pain, spasm, contraction, and cramps in the lower stomach and pubic areas will be reported by the ill individual. The list of symptoms may contain not simple discomfort or pain but also the urges to urinate, every short period of time, inability to hold urine when urge happens, or all of the above. The severity of pain may be different depending on the amount of urine in the bladder. Usually, the more urine causes more pain and discomfort. The most intensive pain patients report during urination and because of this they unconsciously skip urination and hold as long as they can. But the problem is that when they are finally trying to urinate – the pain is extreme. Female’s symptoms usually increase during menses. Many women report severe pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse. Some ladies discover that the first attack of interstitial cystitis followed sexual relations.
Some scientists think that there are few different diseases that conventional medicine combined under the same term interstitial cystitis. It is difficult to respond to this statement “Yes” or “No”, but, at least, this theory can explain the fact that this syndrome has a wide variety of symptoms. Based on this theory, several years ago experts invented a new term “Bladder Pain Syndrome” to classify conditions that result in painful urination and discomfort in the lower abdomen region. Another term used for the same illness is “Painful Bladder Syndrome”. This terminology used when the symptoms, in particular, medical cases do not exactly fit the definition of interstitial cystitis.
Symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis and choices of natural treatment for interstitial cystitis
Physicians continue using the diagnosis interstitial cystitis when symptoms reported by patients meet all criteria approved for it by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).
In patients who are suffering from interstitial cystitis, the wall of the bladder becomes irritated, damaged and inflexible. Pictures similar to Ecchymosis may appear on the internal surface of the bladder. In approximately 10% of cases during cystoscopy small ulcers can be found on the bladder wall.
Patients with an aggressive form of interstitial cystitis may have up to 60 urination a day. They may also have repeated urges during the night also known as nocturia.
Statistics for interstitial cystitis and the success rate of using natural remedies for interstitial cystitis.
Interstitial cystitis found much more frequent in female patients than in the male. According to National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NKUDIC) 3.3 million females in the United States suffer from lower abdomen pain, urinary earnestness, and frequent urination, which fit in criteria for interstitial cystitis. These 3.3 million women represent 2.7% of the US female population.
At the same time, 1.6 billion men in the United States of America suffer from similar symptoms (burning bladder pain, urination urgency, and incontinence) These 1.6 million men represent 1.3% of the US male population.
Summarizing the above interstitial cystitis is a common medical disorder in teenage girls and mature ladies and usually, this condition becomes periodic and persistent. An infection may initially take place in any fragment of the urinary tract, however, the bladder is the most common part of the system and even if the process started somewhere else it will at some point settle in the bladder in the form of interstitial cystitis. Infection that causes interstitial cystitis usually represented by gut bacteria. The diagnostic problem is that very often the microbes are not discovered in the urine specimen, regardless of noticeable signs of pathological bladder condition.
Interstitial cystitis is uncommon in teenage males and mature men. This fact can easy explained by the anatomical difference between the male and female urinary tracts. The urethra in men’s body is much longer than in women’s organism and bacteria have to travel longer until it reaches the bladder – the most comfortable spot in the urinary tract for its development. During this journey gut bacteria become weak and the body’s immune system is able to stop it.
Homeopathic treatment for interstitial cystitis – #1 natural remedies for interstitial cystitis
Homeopathic medicine can be applied in conjunction with modern western prescriptions of antibiotics or it can be used as the main treatment method especially in those cases in which no bacteria were discovered in a sample of urine.
For a homeopathic practitioner, who is treating a patient with interstitial cystitis a comprehensive medical and family history is necessary in order to find the most matching (“like”) homeopathic remedy. Any salts found in the urine sample are very important and vital for the appropriate homeopathic remedy selection and that’s why your homeopathic doctor will send a specimen to the lab for biochemical evaluation. Also, some preliminary inspection of the sample may bring up very important information. Urine may have a robust odor; it can be cloudy or bright; it may display signs of blood presence. Even bright and clear urine may contain blood and salts in the amount that does not change the look of the sample. During the preliminary evaluation of the urine, specimen homeopath can also use diagnostic strips to discover any traces of blood or salts or pus that are not noticeable by a naked eye.
If the homeopathic remedy for interstitial cystitis chosen correct based on “Like Cures Like” rules of homeopathy it works almost immediately. In a matter of a few minutes, the pain may either diminish or completely disappear. Homeopathic remedies, however, do not work as painkillers or anti-spasm medicines. These remedies cure the patient’s body and stop disease development forever.
Acupuncture treatment for interstitial cystitis is another helpful approach from the list of natural remedies for interstitial cystitis
Another great natural remedy for interstitial cystitis that can be used for the treatment of interstitial cystitis is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture as a part of it.
TCM, as well as homeopathy, outshines in natural treatment for interstitial cystitis, first of all, because both methods focus on the patient, and not on the symptoms and diagnosis. Since acupuncture heals both body and psycho-emotional system, it is correspondingly beneficial for curing the psychological aspects that frequently go together with lingering pain syndrome. In TCM, every part of the body relates to a particular emotion. Kidneys and bladder meridians are strictly related to fear and in conventional western medicine, we know that this emotion commonly experienced by patients with different forms of UTI and specifically with interstitial cystitis. Also, it’s a known fact that individuals that suffer from interstitial cystitis also suffer from depressions, anxieties, and even panic attacks. The TCM tactic interstitial cystitis healing is to recognize aspects that are propagating the disease and to fix the disproportions of energy (Qi) based on the rules of the ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine. In the case of interstitial cystitis, the objective of acupuncture is to eliminate nuisances and pathogens that overpower the normal function of the immune system, normalize the blood flow, stimulate tissue renovation, and lessen somatic discomfort and aches.
When I’m asked about the proof of the effectiveness of the acupuncture for interstitial cystitis I usually quote Albert Einstein: “Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted, counts”.
Acupuncture is known for almost 5 thousand years and this method already proved itself.
Natural treatments for interstitial cystitis at Viva Healthy Life by Dr. Tsan
Many patients with interstitial cystitis come to Viva Healthy Life with hope for help and recovery. Most of the time the treatment plan for IC combines both homeopathic remedies and either acupuncture or Reiki energy healing. All treatment performed by Dr. Tsan or his associates under his supervision.
To find more about these treatments for interstitial cystitis and to discuss if these methods are appropriate for you to call our center to set up an appointment for an initial FREE consultation. During 30-40 minutes of your visit, Dr. Tsan personally will talk to you ask about your major complaints and propose an appropriate treatment if necessary.
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