Holistic Medicine for Skin Disorders
For many years, different modalities of the holistic medicine have used herbs in the treatment of skin disorders, such as eczema, acne, psoriasis, alopecia, and others. Many physicians in the present day remain using the philosophy of the holistic approach to cure individuals that have a preference to less aggressive and more natural healing. Holistic medicine understands wellness as stability among the organisms and the surroundings we live in. The disproportion of the equilibrium amid vigour, Qi-energy, and body fluids causes the progress of the illness. The influence of environmental situations furthermore stimulates the development of an illness. The list of those environmental conditions includes different specific weather, climate and magnetic conditions in the geographical area where the patient’s body developed or live at the present time. Some of those circumstances are the wind, solar radiation, earth magnetic activities, heat and cold, dampness and dryness, volcanos activities, etc. Also, holistic medicine sees the emotional condition as a strong impact on an individual’s well-being.
Different modalities of holistic medicine view the mechanism of skin disorders unlike
For example from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) point of view, all skin disorders belong to one of the four clinical classes: Chang-Yang, Pi-Fu-Ling, Gan-Men-Bing, and Za-Bing. Translated in plain English that generally means: skin lesions, eruptions and warts, rectal polyps, cracks and hemorrhoids, and gangrene. Homeopathy looks completely different and the goal of the homeopathic practitioner is to find the remedy that in therapeutic dose can cause the same symptoms as this particular individual has. The list of those remedies for skin disorders is huge and it’s very important to choose the only one appropriate medication. Reiki sees in skin disorders a disbalance between cosmic and Earth energies as well as obstruction of chakra(s) that prevent energy to flow between internal systems of the human body and Universe.
Acne is a common term for blemishes, boils and eruptions on the skin caused by blocked obstructed pores. In many cases, acne can result in permanent marks. This skin disorder impacts almost 80% of individuals in the young age. 12 to 24 years old is the most critical age for this skin disorder. For the duration of puberty increased amount of hormones can be found in both females and males. Alopecia areata is the most common form of hair loss which usually results in spots of baldness. Sometimes, in most complicated cases of alopecia, the whole head becomes bald. Usually, the Alopecia patches of baldness recover and the hair regrows, however, it may take 7-10 months and even up to a few years. Depending on causes of hair loss, medical condition of the individual, external physical factors and form of development the boldness may become long-lasting or even permanent. Dermatitis is a common word that refers to an inflammation of the different levels of dermatitis depth of the epidermis and dermis. There are many factors that may cause a development of this disease. Depending on these factors the form and symptoms of this disease may vary. However, in general, patients with this disease experience redness, and pain or itch in the affected area of the skin. Infant Eczema frequently appears between one and 2 years of age as offensive, inflamed skin elements, initially on the baby’s face and then disseminating behind the ear; other typical locations are armpits, elbows’ folds and behind a knee. Infant EczemaUsually, the rash presented by papules or pimples. These papules or pimples may contain fluid, which later in a cycle erupt, making the whole area. Psoriasis is a degenerative skin disorder. The noticeable symptom of this medical skin disorder is the skin signs in the form of elevated spots in the service of the skin. The most common Psoriasislocations of these patches are elbows and knees and the symptoms stay in that areas even during the remission state of the illness; however when the disease activates the skin elements may appear everywhere including head, face, under hair, etc. In remission, this plaque looks red. Shingles usually expressed as a hurting sweltering outbreak on the skin. It is triggered by the equivalent bug as chickenpox scientifically named varicella zoster. Individuals that had shingles chicken pox may face an attack of shingles on some day of the life. This happens because after the original illness (chickenpox), the varicella zoster bug still present in the body in the inactive form. Acne
Infant Eczema
Traditional Chinese Medicine for skin disorders
Traditional Chinese Medicine combines the use of medicinal herbs and acupuncture. Among the most popular herbal formulas, “Three Yellow Cleanser” is number one. This herbal medicine used for eczema, psoriasis, facial acne and many other skin disorders that belong to the class of “cold property”, which I explained above. The acupuncturist is checking the condition of Qi meridians (12 main meridians) prior to treatment of the patients with skin disorders. I am a mother of 3 kids and I never have any time for myself. One day I was doing research on https://www.awpgynmesa.com/about-da-vinci/buy-accutane-Isotretinoin/ for my youngest son’s cough medication and came across the name Accutane. I’d been suffering from acne since my first pregnancy but I never had the space in my life to get treated for it. The article made me curious so I asked a doctor about it. Accutane is a miracle worker! The best technique to discover access or deficiency in meridians is pulse diagnostic. Based on the result of this method acupuncturist create a protocol (set of acupuncture points to be needled). Besides these two most popular TCM treatments healthy diet is very important to achieve the result. Normally it’s recommended for patients with skin disorders to avoid seafood and alcohol. At the same time-consuming fruits and vegetables may benefit the treatment process.
Homeopathic treatment for skin disorders
The homeopathic practitioner may select the appropriate remedy either by symptoms or by the constitution of the patient. The constitutional treatment is much more advanced, but at the same time is more complicated. Not each homeopath can choose the correct constitutional remedy because each small detail is important and homeopathic assessment may take as long as few hours. The most popular symptomatic homeopathic remedies for skin disorders are Sulphur, Arsenicum Album, Graphite, Apis etc. If however, homeopath prescribes constitutional remedy it could be any homeopathic drug registered under Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS). Reiki healer checks the aura and chakras condition and depending on the location of the holes in the aura or obstruction of particular chakras the treatment points to the energy deficient parts of the body. Dr. Tsan – Medical Director of Viva Healthy Life has extensive academical and clinical experience in the treatment of different forms of skin disorders. Being the specialist in acupuncture, homeopathy, and Reiki he successfully uses all these three modalities and gets maximum benefits from each of them.
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