Internal Medicine Doctors treat so-called internal medicine conditions that affect internal organs like heart and blood vessels, gastrointestinal system, lungs and bronchi, endocrine glands, etc. A majority of internal medical conditions can be treated with holistic medicine, as long as a holistic practitioner is first of all Internal Medicine Doctor. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) inspires the body to support curing and to stimulate functioning. The technical part of the procedure is the injecting of special acupuncture needles and putting on high temperature or electrical shock waves at particular acupuncture points on a human body.
TCM is an ancient healing art that is about 5,000 years old. In the present day, acupuncture is used widely all over the world and is more and more practiced by medical doctors in the USA. Acupuncture sessions may be used unaccompanied or along with additional treatments, such as Chiropractic, Traditional Medicine, and Osteopathic exercises.
Most of the internal medical conditions can be treated by Internal Medicine Doctors using natural medicine techniques. In some cases, acupuncture works better, in another homeopathy or herbology. But again, a naturopathic practitioner must be first of all Internal Medicine Doctors who understand the pathology of the illness. Viva Healthy Life Holistic Center delivers to our patients virtually all known holistic and naturopathic healing strategies. Depending on the nature of medical disorder Dr. Tsan will propose the best option for natural treatment.
Different forms of Arthritis most of the times results in joint pain caused by which is recognized as one of the most widespread chronic illnesses in today’s world, especially among the aging population. In general Arthritis and in straight translation from the Latin language, arthritis means joint inflammation. Acid Reflux - One of the most common illnesses. If you hurt by esophagus acid reflux, whether it's sporadic heartburn or an endless burning behind the chest wall that interferes Acid Reflux your night nap and normal being - Viva Healthy Life – The Center for Holistic Medicine is your right choice for treatment. Asthma is a severe and progressively common illness. There are nearly 15 billion individuals in the United Asthma can be treated with homeopathic remediesStates, who are suffering from asthma, and in 2014 this syndrome cost the country $13 zillions, together with $2.6 millions in hospital care, $2 billion in wages that guardians who took care of sick children lost while not working and staying home, $1.7 billion in cost of pharmaceutical drugs, as well as approximately $970 million in lost incomes of ill people. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a combination of symptoms that are impacting stomach area of the individual. Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional type of illness since no pathological signs can be found neither in a lab nor in radiological reports. Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a disease that causes a repetitive distress or ache in the bladder and the nearby pelvic organs. The signs of this medical condition may be different from one patient to another. Even two different attacks of this illness in the same individual may have Interstitial Cystitisdifferent symptoms. Overactive bladder syndrome is a very common medical issue and the treatment of this condition in the majority of time is a challenge not only to experienced general practitioners but also to specialists / urologists. In many cases, this condition cannot be not cured using traditional Western treatment techniques. An enlarged prostate gland irritates the lower part of a bladder causing a sensation of overfilled bladder and a demand for urination. Because of this irritation man with enlarged prostate gland makes a few if not more trips to a bathroom during the night. Also during the daytime these patients physically and psychologically need to be close to a bathroom at all time. In some states of the US, spring seasonal allergies start in the end January and beginning of February and continue until the June or even July. Warm temperatures during the winter season force vegetation to fertilize early, which means the pollution after mild winter starts even before the expectant time. A wet spring stimulates fast vegetation development and causes a proliferation of mold. When this happens the allergic reactions initiated in early spring would last up until mid-autumn.Arthritis
Acid Reflux
IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrom
Interstitial Cystitis
Overactive Bladder
Prostate Gland Disorders
Seasonal Allergies
How Internal Medicine Doctors Acupuncturists Treat Internal Medical Conditions
The Chinese philosophy explains that meridians of energy flow through the organism. When energy flow is good and energy running through the different parts of the body without any limitations the body is functioning well. Any obstruction in the stream of energy leads to illness. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can get rid of these obstructions, and recreate consistent energy movement. These procedures can for that reason benefit the organism to fix energy disproportions.
The present methodical description is that TCM in general and acupuncture particularly encourage the body to manufacture and infuse into the bloodstream and lymph system self-made elements called endorphins similar to opiates. These endorphins produce a strong painkilling effect. As a result, the single acupuncture procedure for pain syndrome (regardless of the localization of pain) may be much more effective than Ibuprofen, Ultram, and Percocet.
The enhanced energy and biochemical stability created by TCM cause the organism’s natural self-curing and supporting somatic and psychological comfort.
Internal Medical Conditions Treated with Medical Acupuncture by Internal Medicine Doctors
Traditional Chinese Medicine is medical healing that may benefit the following areas of medicine:
- Promotion of health and well-being
- Deterrence of diseases
- Healing of different medical disorders
Despite the fact that acupuncture is frequently applied to pain syndromes, well-trained acupuncturists use this method for a broader spectrum of internal medical conditions.
World Health Organization (WHO) pointed out that there are numerous internal medical conditions other than pain syndromes, for which acupuncture is very effective however the modern Western Medicine has very limited or no researchers.
In the formal report, issued by World Health Organization (WHO): “Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials”, the symptoms, illnesses and internal medical conditions listed below can be cured successfully by acupuncture:
- primary hypotension
- periarteritis of the shoulder
- neck pain
- facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders)
- temporomandibular (TMJ) dysfunction
- dental pain
- low back pain
- sciatica
- knee pain
- sprains
- tennis elbow
- headache
- rheumatoid arthritis
- correction of malposition of a fetus (breech presentation)
- morning sickness
- nausea and vomiting
- postoperative pain
- stroke
- acute and chronic gastritis
- leucopenia
- depression (including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke)
- acute epigastralgia
- essential hypertension
- renal colic
- adverse reactions to radiation or chemotherapy
- allergic rhinitis, including hay fever
- biliary colic
- acute bacillary dysentery
- primary dysmenorrhea
- peptic ulcer
- induction of labor
Homeopathy – the weapon an Internal Medicine Doctor can use for the treatment of different internal medical conditions
Another effective method of treatment of the different internal medical conditions in alternative medicine is Homeopathy. Internal Medicine Doctors and homeopaths using this alternative medicine approach that was developed in the 17th century in Germany by Dr. Hahnemann and now popular all over the world, including European and Asian countries.
Homeopathy is a medical viewpoint and method of treatment based on the opinion that the organism has the aptitude to cure itself.
Homeopathic medicine is established on the principle that “like cures like.” That means, if an element causes a specific symptom in a healthy organism, then this element is a very small amount that can treat similar symptoms in the sick body.
A medical doctor, who is practicing homeopathic medicine, prescribes pills or solutions containing a very small amount of the main ingredient for curing. These prescriptions (also known as remedies in homeopathy) are extremely diluted or “potentiated” elements.
Homeopathic medicines in the United States approved by the FDA since 1938 and are recognized as safe.
Opponents of homeopathic medicine rely on the fact that there is a so small amount of the main ingredient that any improvement from homeopathic remedies is a placebo effect.
The scientific research of the subject discovered that during the dilution process (the way the homeopathic remedies are prepared) the crystal frame of water gets a memory of the bio-waves of the active elements and in the end, the memory in water cures the patients’ internal medical conditions and not the chemical itself. Common Prednisone side effects of systemic corticosteroids may be associated with more serious consequences in old age, especially with osteoporosis, hypertension, hypokalemia, diabetes mellitus as well as a tendency to infections and thinning of the skin. To avoid life-threatening reactions, careful clinical observation is necessary. Read more about this at This makes homeopathy completely safe for any age of patients.
According to homeopathic science, all internal medical conditions can be treated with these homeopathic remedies as long as a doctor can find the ingredient that causes similar symptoms in a healthy body.
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