Prostate gland Disorders

Holistic Treatment of Prostate Gland Disorders

The Prostate Gland Disorders are one of the most vulnerable organs in the male’s organism. It is dark rose-colored and as big as a chestnut.

The prostate positioned in the middle of the urethra on its way from the bladder to a penis. Topographically, from the abdomen wall side this gland situated right in front of a sigmoid and rectum. In shape, a Prostate Gland Disordersprostate gland looks like a bagel and a urethra goes exactly in the center of the gland connecting a bladder and penis. A urethra is a vessel that allows urine to flow out of the body through the penis. When a prostate gland is enlarged for whatever reason the whole in the middle becomes smaller and a gland compresses a urethra making urination process difficult and sometimes even painful.

Normal gland creates watery juice that needed to cultivate a sperm. In the course of arousing, the gland infuses this juice into the urethra where it’s mixing with sperm and ejaculates as a semen.

An enlarged prostate gland irritates the lower part of a bladder causing a sensation of overfilled bladder and a demand for urination. Because of this irritation man with enlarged prostate gland makes a few if not more trips to a bathroom during the night. Also during the daytime, these patients physically and psychologically need to be close to a bathroom at all time.

Prostate gland enlargement also causes sexual dysfunction with symptoms of both erectile problems and fertile disorders.

During ejaculation, testicles delivery into prostate juice more than 300 billion of spermatozoids. The prostate fluid contains proteins, stimulants, carbs and other elements beneficial for delicate spermatozoids. The prostate fluid at the same time keeps the level of alkalinity in the specific range that helps to defend spermatozoids from the fatal acidity in the female vagina.

Prostate Gland Disorders

  • Prostatitis: Infection of the gland that may be caused by any UTI infection, however, most common by Proteus. In a majority of cases, prostatitis is treated with antibiotics.
  • Enlarged prostate gland: Non-malignant enlargement of the gland aka benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). This disorder observed in almost all men between 50 and 70 years old. BPH can be virtually equalized to a male form of menopause. As it was described above the enlargement of the gland causes often and difficult urination.  In most complicated cases, the benign prostatic hypertrophy causes a severe retention of the urine that results in infusion of the toxic urine in a blood flow. This medical condition is known as uremia and may be fatal in many occasions.
  • Prostate gland cancer: In men’s body this gland cancer is the most common type of malignancy. The good news is that this cancer usually not aggressive and only one in 33 patients pass away from this disease.

Evaluation of the Prostate Gland

  • Digital rectal examination (DRE) of the Prostate gland: A physician enters with his second or third digit into the anus of the male patient and touches his gland. Usually, this method allows identifying the increased size of the gland, bumps, tumors or even nodules of the gland malignancy, as well as high sensitivity and painfulness as a result of prostatitis.
  • Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing for Prostate gland condition: The prostate gland fabricates an element known as PSA. The absolute amount and concentration of PSA can be counted in blood. This measurement knows as PSA test. PSA test is not 100% proof of prostate gland cancer, however, if the concentration of the Prostate-Specific Antigen is above normal limits, the salinization of the prostate gland is more likely. This test may appear positive also in cases of prostate gland adenoma and even simple UTI.
  • Ultrasound evaluation of the Prostate Gland: An ultrasound technician inserts a probe into the anus and pushes it up as close as possible to the gland. Since prostate gland is located on a top of the rectum and sigmoid it becomes perfectly seen on the ultrasound machine display.
  • Prostate gland biopsy: This test mainly used to distinguish real cancer and prostate gland enlargement or prostate gland adenoma. A biopsy can be done during the Ultrasound evaluation or as a separate procedure when a long needle-like probe is injected into the gland in order to suck out a piece of the gland tissue for further morphological evaluation. The Prostate gland biopsy typically performed through the urethra or sometimes through the anus à rectum.

Enlarged Prostate Gland Treatment

  • Alpha-blockers: Drugs of this pharmaceutical class (Cardura, Hytrin, and Minipress) help to reduce the tension of the muscles in urethra topographical region. As a result, of the muscle relaxation, the urine flows liberally and without any restrictions.
  • 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors: This class of medications represented by the following brands: Avodart, Propecia, Proscar, Jalyn. The mechanism of treatment with 5-alpha-reductase medicines based on a reduction of density and concentration of the form of testosterone called DHT. DHT by itself causing the enlargement of the prostate gland and when the level of DHT falls the gland decreases in size. It improves the flow of the urine through the urethra.
  • Surgery for an inflated prostate gland: This is it the most aggressive but at the same time most effective treatment.

Holistic treatment for Prostate Gland Disorders at Viva Healthy Life

The holistic treatment of the diseases of the prostate gland always centered on the symptoms and their severity, the level of the gland enlargement, the results of the ultrasound, biopsy, and your overall medical condition. Homeopathic Holistic treatment for prostate gland disorders at Viva Healthy Life.medicine may become the main healing modality. Homeopathic remedies are 100% natural and prepared micro dosage forms, which is absolutely safe for patients. I’ve been on Cialis for more than a year. My GP says this medication is perfect for me because I have erectile dysfunction and benign prostatic hyperplasia. I take Cialis daily to keep my symptoms under control. Overall, I feel much better, and both my conditions don’t really bother me; I live a normal life. Sometimes I have a headache and diarrhea. Yet, these are the only unwanted effects I have ever had, and they are manageable. So I would recommend Cialis to men with ED or BPH. Regular treatment with homeopathic remedies prescribed by a well-trained practitioner may diminish the frequency of urinations and advance the flow of urine preventing UTI.

Another effective method of treatment for different medical conditions related to this gland is acupuncture. Acupuncture had been using in South Eastern Asia for 5000 years and proved its effectiveness for most physical disorders.

At Viva Healthy LifeDr. Tsan has outstanding clinical experience in the treatment of different prostate gland conditions. Dr. Tsan successfully uses homeopathic medicine along with acupuncture and Reiki. The combination of these techniques can benefit male patients with different forms of gland disorders.