Counseling is a treatment approach that commonly works on the practical side. Counselors are focused on problems like How do we improve this? How to get patient’s needs encountered? What would you do today?
Who is a counselor?
Who is he or she, a counselor? In the ordinary view – the same specialist as a doctor, only for the very, most mild cases. (When they become more severe, his ward goes to the psychotherapist, and then to the psychiatrist). The main task of the counselor is a psychological correction. But who, one wonders, needs to be adjusted – that is, corrected? Of course, a loser. A successful person cannot be corrected. The correction will only spoil it. Yes, he, in fact, will not allow anyone to correct himself … Is he a patient, or what?
In ancient China, healers were paid not at all when the client was sick, but when they were healthy. During the illness, they stopped paying. And that radically changed everything. The doctor was not only interested in the speedy cure of the patient. He, the doctor, preferred not to bring matters to the disease at all. He, therefore, healed healthy people, supporting their health – and, therefore, invested a completely different meaning in the concept of “treating”.
Such treatment of healthy people is not at all what is commonly called prevention in modern Western medicine. When a doctor at a Western school thinks about prevention, he, first of all, thinks about the disease, not about health. He seeks to prevent the disease, create conditions under which it cannot occur, develop and spread. And maintaining health – whatever they say about the importance of hygiene – is still not considered a doctor’s business. Health, so to speak, passes “not according to his department.”
What is counseling?
Counseling is helping a healthy person in a difficult or new situation when a person not able to adapt to it. For both – the psychologist and the psychiatrist- the idea of the need for such assistance seems nonsense. Why help healthy people if there are so many sick and suffering around? Helping is helpless. And healthy and successful people will somehow cope with their problems themselves …
The counselor really looks a lot like a doctor and psychologist. And, above all, the fact that his main task is to help people live their life. But at the same time, he is busy with the inner world of man, and not with the outer world. He knows that the highest value for a person is a peace of mind and harmony with oneself.
Here are the five most commonly named goals of counseling:
- Facilitating behavior change.
Improving the client’s ability to establish and maintain relationships.
Enhancing the client’s effectiveness and ability to cope.
Promoting the decision-making process and facilitating client potential.
Personal development.
Counseling is not a time-filling service for those people who are perceived as being crazy because they are experiencing problems in coping with personal and emotional issues. … It is a supportive service that allows a client to gain an understanding of self by self-exploration of their emotional issues. The goal of counseling is to help individuals overcome their immediate problems and also to equip them to meet future problems. Counseling, to be meaningful has to be specific for each client since it involves his unique problems and expectations.
Good counseling should reduce the client’s confusion, allowing them to make effective decisions leading to positive changes in their attitude and/or behavior. The ultimate aim of counseling is to enable the client to make their own choices, reach their own decisions and act upon them. This is exactly what we are offering in our office.
Counseling in Philadelphia
So, if you want to know more about this unique counseling service provided by Alex Zolotov, Ph.D. here is what to do right now – simply contact our office (267) 403-3085 or visit our website to sign up now!
P.S. It does not matter if you are living too far from our office located in Philadelphia, PA USA.
We can set up our one to one session online. If you prefer this option just go to the scheduling page and you will be provided with further instructions.

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