Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems
The nervous system is a multifaceted, urban structure that manages and synchronizes organism functions. It consists of three most important anatomical and physiological partitions:
Trigeminal neuralgia is a соndіtіоn thаt causes еxсruсіаtіng face раіn thаt can bе dеѕсrіbеd аѕ an еlесtrіс ѕhосk оr a bоlt оf lіghtnіng thаt can trаvеl across thе fасе. Patients, who suffer frоm this, аlѕо describe the pain as stabbing оr burnіng nеrvе раіn. Thе раіn іѕ uѕuаllу іntеrmіttеnt, and can last аnуwhеrе from a fеw seconds tо a few mіnutеѕ. Trіgеmіnаl Nеurаlgіа can strike аt аnу age, but оnѕеt ѕееmѕ tо bе mоrе рrеvаlеnt between thе ages of 40 аnd 60. TN раіn іѕ соnfіnеd tо thе upper jaw, lower jаw, cheeks, аnd thе fоrеhеаd аnd еуе area. In mоѕt саѕеѕ thе раіn іѕ limited tо оnе ѕіdе оf thе fасе, and can bе trіggеrеd bу tоuсhіng or moving thе fасе, dental trеаtmеnt, eating, tооth bruѕhіng, or even wіnd. Aсuрunсturе for Bell’s Palsy is one of the most effective treatment that brings back to normal life millions of people that are suffering from this popular disease.
Aсuрunсturе for Bell’s PalsyAnуоnе who hаѕ еxреrіеnсеd Bеll'ѕ Palsy wіll tell уоu hоw dіѕturbіng thе ѕуmрtоmѕ саn bе. Onе оf the rеаѕоnѕ іt іѕ ѕо disturbing is thаt іt ѕееmѕ tо hарреn tо реорlе оut оf the blue moon - оnе dау they are lіvіng their lіvеѕ аnd things are fine аnd thе nеxt day раrаlуѕіѕ has ѕtruсk. In today’s medicine Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most popular diagnoses in the USA, especially in pediatrician field. According to American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), 12% of boys and 7% of girls of school age have more or fewer signs of this “disease”. Anger is a passionate mental condition that fluctuates in severity from slight impatience to extreme wrath and indignation, Charles Spielberger, Ph.D., a psychiatrist that dedicates himself to the anger management research, said. Depression affects zillions of individuals in USA each year. For a number of individuals it is a short incident which happens single time in the life, but for majority of folks it is one or the other long-lasting or persistent, and can expressively influence their lives. Depression may turn out to be a very devastating disorder, and for a insignificant fraction, it results in suicide. Whereas pharmaceutical corporations advertise the efficiency of their newest anti-depressant, anybody who has fought the illness recognizes that medicines do not help at all times. Also, most drugs are causing side effects. Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis and Psychotherapy can correspondingly be useful for depression treatment. A lot of people throughout the world are suffering from various kinds of eating disorders and looking for a remedy to overcome the problem. The fact is that most of the people suffering from it may find it embarrassing to seek a medical help, but leaving the problem unattended will do no good to the person going through it. In fact, it will result in further degradation of the condition and some of them may acquire other secret illnesses.
There are various kinds of eating disorders and hypnotherapy is considered as the most effective treatments to control eating disorders among the individuals.
Most of the celebrities who suffered from different forms of eating disorders got successful treatment with clinical hypnosis. Insomnia is a symptom of sleeplessness that millions of individuals in the world have to Insomnialive with. Patients who are suffering from insomnia have either problem to fall asleep or maintain stable sleep during the whole night. Insomnia usually causes sleepiness and fatigue during the daytime. Acupuncture aids to diminish the severity of headaches and migraines and in the majority of the times have a long-term effect if not a complete cure. This statement was recently proved by a new clinical trial issued in the CMAJ – Canadian Medical Association Journal. Multiple Sclerosis is a lingering provocative disease that caused by inflammation and demyelination of neurons. This chronic illness impacts the central and peripheral nervous systems causing a significant damage to the whole body in general. Encephalomyelitis disseminata – the scientific name for Multiple Sclerosis attacks a person’s cerebrum and vertebral column. It injures the myelin cover of neurons, the substance that shields and defends neurons. The first statement that is very important in the understanding of Vertigo is that it is only a symptom and not an officially recognized diagnosis. The word Vertigo speaks of the Vertigo feeling of rotating or swirling that happens as an outcome of a disruption instability. At the same time, the word Vertigo may be used to refer to sensations of giddiness, wooziness, lightheadedness, and unsteadiness.Trigeminal Neuralgia
Bell's Palsy
Anger Management
Eating Disorders
Multiple Sclerosis
Nervous system is a multifaceted, urban structure that manages and synchronizes organism functions. It consists of three most important anatomical and physiological partitions:
Central nervous system (brain and spinal cord);
- Cerebrum
- Frontal Lobe
- Parietal Lobe
- Temporal Lobe
- Wernicke’s Area
- Occipital Lobe
- Broca’s Area
- Cerebellum
- Limbic System
- Amygdala
- Hippocampus
- Hypothalamus
- Brain Stem
Peripheral Nervous System
Sensory Nerves and Receptors;
- ears
- eyes
- Sensory organs of taste (tongue)
- Sensory organs of smell (nose)
- Exteroceptors (tactile sensations and temperature)
- Interoceptors (react to signals initiated by visceral organs and blood vessels)
Motor Nerves
- Proprioceptors (respond to signals from skin, joints, ligaments containing information about body physical position)
Autonomic nervous system a.k.a. visceral nervous system
- Vagus nerve
- Sympathetic nerve
Nervous System Diseases
Central, Peripheral and Autonomic nervous systems are at risk to different pathological conditions. Nervous system can be impaired as a result of:
- Head injury
- Bacterial and/or viral Contaminations
- Degeneration
- Physical defects
- Growths
- Circulation disturbance
- Autoimmune diseases
Pathological medical conditions of the nervous system.
The most common medical conditions that attack nervous system are:
- Circulation Disorders
- Stroke,
- Temporary ischemic spasm;
- Hemorrhages and/or hematomas in different levels of the brain or spinal cord
- Subdural,
- Epidural
- Subarachnoid
- Extradural
- Chemical, Viral and bacterial contaminations
- Meningitis,
- Encephalitis,
- Polio,
- Epidural abscess
- Neuropathy
- Physical ailments
- Brain concussion,
- Spinal cord concussion
- Bell’s palsy
- Cervical spondylosis
- Brain cancer,
- Functional conditions
- Headaches and migraines;
- Epilepsy
- Dizziness and vertigo
- Insomnia
- Degeneration
- Parkinson’s disease,
- Huntington’s chorea
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),
- Multiple sclerosis,
- Alzheimer’s disease
Symptoms that are most commonly accompanying nervous system diseases
- Tenacious or unexpected start of a headache or migraine attack;
- A headache that alternate in quality and changes locations;
- Numbness or tingling in different parts of the body;
- Fatigue, Weakness;
- Unexpected loss of ability to see;
- Loss of Memory;
- Diminished intellectual aptitude;
- Coordination problem;
- Muscle rigidity;
- Shakes and seizures;
- Upper or Lower Back pain with radiation down the limbs;
Acupuncture successfully used for nervous system disorders
Overall, acupoints used by Traditional Chinese Medicine are stimulating the central nervous system and forces the excessive production of endorphins. Endorphins then are infused into the blood stream and Cerebrospinal fluid. These chemical components stimulate the organism’s natural curing capacities and support corporal and mental health.
- Acupuncture stimulates blood circulation.
- Acupuncture fixes and tunes the organism’s self-healing ability.
- Acupuncture discharges internally manufactured chemical Endorphin.
- Acupuncture decreases the severity and acuity of pain.
- Acupuncture reduces spasm in ligaments and muscles.
- Acupuncture diminishes stress reactions.
Homeopathy is alternative choice #1 for nervous system disorders
Modern Western medicine, in general, seeks to treat the symptoms of nervous system diseases. Homeopathy, however, doesn’t treat symptoms of an illness. Instead, homeopathy treats the patient and homeopathic remedies must be carefully selected according to patient’s “constitution”.
Homeopathic healing for nervous system disorders pursues the way to supplement the organism’s healing abilities by supporting the normal functions of the organism. This way homeopathy encourages the organism to cure itself. In homeopathy, the patient is healed as the whole organism without partitioning to organs and systems. My fear about driving started when I had an accident with my bicycle at a traffic light. I was 13 then, but the anxiety and fear stuck with me. All my peers soon after started learning how to drive but I couldn’t bring myself to it. I was looking for information on how to get rid of anxiety, when I discovered Xanax at https://www.westshorewomenshealth.com/about-us/xanax-online/. After taking it for two weeks, not only I was ready to start my driving lessons, but I was sleeping better and could communicate with others in a more relaxed fashion. Cannot recommend it enough to anyone with similar phobias. Homeopathy concerns not only about the corporal symptoms but, first of all, the individual’s psychological and emotional condition.
Browse VivaHealthyLife.com to see if your nervous system problem can be treated alternatively by Dr. Tsan
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