Neuro-linguistic Programming

What is Neuro-linguistic Programming?

Neuro-linguistic programming or NLP is a term that comprehends the three supreme significant modules that are bringing into being human knowledge: neurophysiology, etymology, and encoding. The neurophysiological module controls the system general responses, verbal module regulates the communication ability with other individuals and the encoding outlines everything in the world that we generate. Neuro-linguistic programming refers to the vital connections and communications among thoughts (neuro) and verbal ability (linguistic) and what is the result of their influence on organism performance (programming).

Neuro-linguistic programmingNeuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a rational faculty of mind that administers various processes, which cause a human organism to become “homo sapiens”. It is a practice that implicates the progress of interactive proficiency and flexibility. At the same time, NLP includes tactical intelligence and administration of the conceptual and perceptive developments behind the person’s conduct. Neuro-linguistic programming offers gears and expertise for the progress of conditions of personal superiority. It also founds a mechanism of empowering principles and assumptions about what is “Homo sapiens”, how humans communicate and how it causes the change in humans’ behavior. From another hand, Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is about self-confidence, self-control, and about discovering individuality and destiny. NLP makes available an alignment for accepting and linking to the ‘spiritual’ fragment of human knowledge that spreads away from us as characters to our family, public and universal structures. Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is not solitary about capability and superiority; it is about intelligence and revelation.

What are the major principles of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

In quintessence, Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) based on two major presumptions:

1. “The Atlas is Not the Land”. As “Homo sapiens”, we are not always able to identify the truth and realism. Instead, we identify our opinions of the world around us. We recognize and react to the realm around us first and foremost through the corporeal emblematic structures. What we believe is the reality, actually is our ‘neuro-linguistic’ drawings of reality that define how we conduct ourselves. These drawings of the reality give those conducts significance and implications, not the reality itself.  Another word reality does not set boundaries for our demeanors nor does it permit us to do something. Contrary these limits and permissions are controlled by our understanding and experiencing reality.

2. “Existence and cognizance are universal practices”. The developments that happen inside a human existence and amongst human presences and their surroundings are universal. Our organisms, our civilizations, and our world create a natural balance of multifaceted structures and sub- structures all of which act together and affect each other. That’s why it’s impossible to absolutely separate any fragment of the main structure from the whole system. Those structures grounded on the specific ‘prearranged’ main beliefs and logically search for ideal conditions of stability.

NLP and all its techniques are founded based on the grouping of the philosophical positions explained above. It is the belief in NLP that it is not possible for human beings to know objective reality. Perception, morals, and natural balance are not originated from having the ‘good’ or ‘précised’ or ‘accurate’ Atlas of the biosphere. Reasonably, the target is to build the most detailed Atlas, which compliments the universal natural surroundings and natural balance of ourselves and the ecosphere we exist in.

Another word Neuro-linguistic programming is basically a skillful use of language. And what is very important, not only a spoken language? NLP is not only about the pronounced words or sentences… Contrary it’s more about soundless statements made by utilizing a body language, heart feelings, and demonstrations.

The most successful people in the world are those that have and the best and most detailed Atlas of the world that gives these individuals the opportunity to observe the maximum quantity of obtainable picks and standpoints.

History of Neuro-linguistic Programming

Neuro-linguistic programming is an approach of multiplying the number of selections that individually has by the number of distinguished situations accessible in the creation around. Brilliance originated from having numerous selections. Astuteness and intelligence derived from having lots of perceptions.

Neuro-linguistic programming was invented by John Grinder – etymologist) and Richard Bandler – mathematician and inventor of the Gestalt therapy. The purpose of this technique was to create unambiguous prototypes of social superiority.

After the completion of this project, Grinder and Bandler introduced the techniques as “Neuro-linguistic programming” to indicate the association amid the intelligence, verbal communication, and the physical body.

During the period of almost 30 years since Neuro-linguistic programming was invented, the technique underwent a numerous of significant changes. Also, during the development of the method many new and powerful tools were created that allow the use of the technique in marginal to psychoanalysis areas: therapy, schooling, health, inventiveness, Jurisdiction, administration, trades, governance, and parenting.

What is the difference between Hypnotherapy and Neuro-linguistic programming?

Honestly, I have no answer to this question. I asked this question almost every day. Not only my patients but also physicians ask me… It’s something like asking, “What’s the difference between Italian sausage and tuna fish?”

These two psychological techniques are so different that this question is simply obsolete.

There are a couple of things that do not allow even to think about answering this question…

  • Neither hypnotherapy nor Neuro-linguistic programming can be described simply to make everyone come to an agreement on.
  • There are many different means of looking at either hypnotherapy or Neuro-linguistic programming.
  • There are tons of descriptions of either hypnotherapy or Neuro-linguistic programming.

Honestly, no descriptions that I know give the impression of the fully captured meaning of either of them. Definition of either hypnotherapy or Neuro-linguistic programming is a similar to the definition of love. Can anyone completely explain what love is all about? Definitions of hypnotherapy and Neuro-linguistic programming are also very complicated.

In order to satisfy people asking this question I have an answer that surprisingly satisfies both patients and physicians:

Hypnosis involves induction of the patient into a hypnotic trance when the conscious minds turn off and the individual become more focused on instructions given by the hypnotherapist.

During NLP session the patient absolutely awake, aware, and oriented in place and time. The therapist helps to find the best-known model that overcome similar to patient’s problem and became successful.

For which medical condition NLP used more successfully

Many patients reported positive changes in numerous of varies medical conditions as a result of  NLP therapy. The list of those conditions includes Oncological disease, HIV, Persistent pain syndromes, Allergic reactions, Post-traumatic syndromes, and many other medical disorders.

It is suggested that Neuro-linguistic programming not is defined as a primary method of healing for severe diseases (cancer, acute infections, conditions that require immediate medical professional help, etc.). In those cases, it is recommended to use Neuro-linguistic programming as a matching healing technique.