Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a genetic disorder from which the muscle weakened. For this reason, the person with MD has movement difficulties and may not even be able to move without assistance. Muscle impairment is due to incorrect or insufficient information in the affected person’s genes. And because it is genetic, it is not transmissible, but instead transferred to offspring from one generation to the next. People with MD can develop symptoms during childhood, adolescence, or even late adult life.
There are several primary forms of Muscular dystrophy, and their symptoms are different.
Most common forms of MD:
Duchene Muscular dystrophy (DMD) – It is the most common form of Muscular dystrophy and usually affects boys. The problem with DMD is that the gene lacks dystrophin. Dystrophin is a protein that helps the muscle maintains its strength and shape. Without this, the tissue becomes weak and eventually breaks down. Symptoms usually appear between 2 and 6 years old. As a teenager, they will probably find themselves in a wheelchair. The heart muscles also begin to weaken. Scoliosis can also develop. When the muscles used for breathing become affected, the person concerned may need the assistance of a ventilator for breathing. People with DMD usually do not reach the end of adolescence.
Becker Muscular dystrophy (BMD) – BMD also affects boys. The disease is also very similar to DMD. The difference is that symptoms, such as weakening and muscle breakdown, usually appear in adolescence or even adulthood. People with BMD also suffer from heart, bone, joint, and respiratory problems. Life expectancy depends on when symptoms occur and the severity of respiratory and heart problems.
Emery-Dreifus Muscular dystrophy (EDMD) – This form of DM primarily affects boys. The symptoms appear at the end of childhood and even up to 25 years. The muscles involved are the muscles of the shoulders, upper arms, and shins, which also causes joint problems and even heart problems.
Muscular dystrophy of Belts (LGMD) – This type of DM affects girls and boys. The onset of symptoms begins in childhood and late in the middle of adulthood. The affected muscles are the muscles of the upper arms and shoulders and the muscles of the hip and legs. A wheelchair may be needed as the disease progresses.
Facioscapulohumeral Muscular dystrophy (FSHD) – girls and boys are affected by this type of DM. The appearance also varies, maybe from adolescence to late in adulthood. The affected muscles are the muscles of the face, shoulders, and even legs. People with this type of medicine usually have trouble whistling, raising their arms, and closing their eyes. The effects of this type of DM vary. Some are sweet, some serious.
Myotonic Muscular dystrophy (MMD) – this form of DM affects muscle relaxation. People with DMM have difficulty softening their muscles and losing muscle, cataracts, and heart problems.
Congenital Muscular dystrophy (CMD) – This one term is for all types of MD already present at a young age. They cannot be diagnosed immediately. Boys and girls are affected, and the symptoms are weak muscles and a lack or low muscle tone. CMD can also lead to backwardness and learning disorders.
The classic approach
Muscular dystrophy has no treatment, but doctors find solutions. The diagnosis is through a physical examination. Doctors also ask about the symptoms you feel. Entire family history is also essential. A muscle biopsy can also be performed in suspected patients. A genetic test may reveal if you have DMD.
A feature of X-related inheritance is that fathers cannot pass X-linked traits to their sons. In about two-thirds of the cases of DMD, an affected man inherits the mutation from a mother who wears a modified copy of the DMD gene. The other third of the cases probably result from new gene mutations. Women who carry a copy of a DMD mutation may have signs and symptoms related to the disease (such as muscle weakness and cramps), but they are generally lighter than the signs and symptoms are seen in the men affected.
Muscular dystrophy is the most severe form of dystrophinopathy. DMD is due to a genetic deficiency of the dystrophin protein. It is the most common form of Muscular dystrophy in children. It is more common in young boys aged 2 to 5 years old. The signs and symptoms of Duchenne Muscular dystrophy may include:
- Frequent falls
- Calf muscles
- Difficulty getting up from prone or sitting position
- The weakness of leg muscles, causing pain in running and jumping
- Walking in suede
- Mild mental retardation (in some cases)
Muscular dystrophy affects the muscles of the pelvis, arms, and thighs first. By the end of childhood, most children with DMD are unable to walk. Most die in late teens or early twenties, often as a result of pneumonia, respiratory muscle weakness, or cardiac complications. Some people with DMD may have a curvature of the spine (scoliosis).
Treatment approaches to Muscular dystrophy
A homeopath is not a naturopath, an herbalist, or a nutritionist. Homeopathic medicine is very poorly understood in North America and too often confused with other branches of holistic medicine or as a generic term for holistic medicine in general. Homeopathy is something particular. A homeopath will treat patients by administering specially prepared substances (homeopathic remedies) prescribed based on two fundamental principles: the law of similarities and all symptoms. Homeopathic medicines are, by definition, non-toxic and stimulate the body’s innate ability to heal itself.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine introduced in the early nineteenth century by the German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Based on the Similars Law, a concept advanced by the philosophers who preceded it, Hahnemann sought a principled method to heal people safely, gently and effectively.
During his life, he discovered and developed a unique medicine system, documenting his discoveries in six editions of the Organon, the central homeopathic manual. Homeopathy has made its name in Hahnemann’s life for its resounding success in treating infectious diseases such as cholera, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, and Spanish flu. Because of its use based on timeless principles, homeopathic remedies are still useful today against influenza, childhood diseases, colds, viral diseases, and even bacterial infections resistant to antibiotics.
Some kinds of MD can be treated with homeopathic medicines.
Although the information is readily available to the layperson wishing to use homeopathic remedies for a multitude of problems, to be able to use them to the maximum of their possibilities, these remedies must be selected adequately by a homeopath.
Homeopathic remedies are easily accessible to the public and are, by definition, non-toxic. That said, it is possible to misuse them to the detriment of the recipient.
Acupuncture treatment for MD
Even though acupuncture has no scientific explanation, it has proven to be very useful. Chinese acupuncture based on the location of the meridians, which correspond to the different vital organs of the body.
When needles inserted into specific points of the body, the energy deficit restored, the excess energy drained, and the free flow of stagnant energy is favored.
Acupuncture can cure many health problems such as depression, hormonal imbalance, obesity, arthritis, and injuries. After the patient’s examination, an acupuncturist will provide a highly individualized acupuncture treatment plan.
An acupuncturist will check the tongue, pulse, and a series of questions about your choice of body points where needles will insert.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), language and pulse are considered essential diagnostic tools. The acupuncturist will examine the color of your tongue and its coating.
A series of needle treatments and herbal medicine usually consists of a treatment plan through acupuncture. However, some herbalists do not work with acupuncture, and all licensed acupuncturists do not work with herbs.
However, the combination of herbal therapy and needles guarantees better results because the needles work while the herbs improve efficiency.
Also, frequent acupuncture treatment can be expensive, but with the help of herbs between treatments, a positive result maintained.
Frequency and duration of the acupuncture treatment plan
Depending on the condition of the person treated, most acupuncture treatment plans will last from 8 to 10 weeks. A better result obtained when you receive more treatments about one to two times a week.
Then take herbs as a complementary therapy. Approximately thirty minutes correspond to the duration of an acupuncture session, excluding consultation for an hour in total. The needles are inserted at points of the body, with massage and moxibustion. Moxibustion involves burning warm grass on the skin so that heat gets into the stain. There are two approaches: direct moxibustion, which is much less common as painful and burns the skin, while indirect moxibustion is much more effective and does not burn your skin, which recommended.
In short, acupuncture treatment plans depend primarily on the condition of the individual but the same process in general. Acupuncture brings relaxation and very effective treatment.
It can be used for complementary treatment for many health problems or as a primary treatment. Contact an acupuncturist for your health is beneficial through acupuncture, and a treatment plan will be proposed.
Although there are many types of Muscular dystrophy can be treated, they all involve weakening of muscle tissue, and most are associated with distinct genetic variants. The degree of influence of genes on the age of onset and course of the disease is dependent on the type of Muscular dystrophy that affects the individual.
While scientists continue to discover genes related to specific diseases, they find that we all have levels of genetic predispositions to many different degenerative diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. I was 25 when I was first diagnosed with MS. I found out due to muscle spasms and a couple intense seizure episodes. To be honest, I was certain that my life was over at the point. I was afraid to stand up, going to the grocery store, or returning to work. said that Valium three times daily can help with multiple sclerosis, so I started taking it. I am still not completely over it, but while writing this I realized I didn’t have an episode for over three weeks. However, they also established that the onset and severity of these diseases are strongly affected by environmental factors such as occupation, smoking, and diet.
Muscular dystrophy treatment in Philadelphia
At the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic, Dr. Tsan and associates use alternative approaches for the treatment of Muscular dystrophy including acupuncture, homeopathic medicine, Reiki, etc.
To start your treatment contact our office (267) 403-3085 or use our online scheduling application.

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